Reserve your space in Adult Beginner Class today.
Adult Beginners Class meets Mon/Wed/Fri at 7:30 pm.
Beginner classes are also available by request Mon/Wed/Fri at 6:30 pm, or Tues/Thurs at 10:30 am.
Join us for a free trial week! Come by the dojo Mon/Wed/Fri to watch or try a free class. Wear athletic clothes, no shoes needed.
New Beginner membership rate: $70/month
Sign up for 3 months & receive a FREE uniform ($70 value).
Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art which develops physical power and mental focus through training blocks, strikes, kicks & body movement. It's a moving meditation which teaches us to clear our minds and be fully present. Karate promotes excellent cardio fitness & develops all major muscle groups while teaching self-defense. Traditional martial arts training enables us to steadfastly pursue endeavors outside the training hall as well. Anyone can begin training karate at any age or fitness level.
Students build skills gradually with our internationally acclaimed instructors, learning techniques like blocks, kicks & punches. You will learn kata (aka - forms - a series of set movements designed to defend against imaginary attackers) and also practice these techniques with partners.

Warrior Spirit Traditional Japanese karate trains “budo,” or warrior spirit. Forge your spirit through training that challenges mind and body. Enhance confidence and courage to uphold your values and promote peace for humankind in daily life.
Mindfulness Develop the ability to be more present in the moment, clear your mind & connect with your body through movement & breathing.
Fitness Reach your fitness goals: lose weight, gain strength, develop balance, flexibility, coordination & more. Classes can burn 700 calories/hour and engage all muscle groups.
Confidence Learn self-defense, proper movement & situational awareness. Build confidence through traditional Japanese art practice which will transfer to all areas of life.
Camaraderie Join a welcoming community with interesting people from all walks of life. Through our international organization, wherever you go, you will have friends at the local dojo.

Come by our dojo to watch or try a class!
706 Phosphor Ave, Ste C, Metairie, LA 70005
Enter at the rear of parking lot.
Wear athletic clothes; no shoes needed.
New Beginner - $70/month (Available for first 3 months of training)
Regular Adult Membership (after first 3 months) - $100/month
Collegiate Membership - $75/month
Per class rate: $20
Family discount: 10% off each additional family member
One-time membership fee: $30 (payable anytime within first year)